
Read this first!

Hi there! I'm SpaghettiiWithJuice!

This is my own personal website, where you can find public info on me and my work. I would recommend clicking on the 'About me' button on the header up there, first and foremost! It has all the info about who I am, the things I like, and so on.

I'm still figuring out things, so this site may look weird on devices other than PCs. Sorry!

The 'Links' button contains links to all my other accounts that I wish to be publically assoicated with me, myself, and I.

The 'Characters' button has info on all my original characters.

The 'Worlds' button has info on all the original worlds I have created.

The 'Projects' button has info about my own projects I am currently working on, as well as projects that I have canned.